🗞 Recent OST Blog Posts
3 years ago we were just a couple of guys who were interested in ophthalmology. We didn’t have PhD’s, loads of publications, and didn’t win the Duke Elder. Many of our peers...
“Not another question bank or course” you might think. That’s where you’re wrong. We’re trying to do things differently at stinterview.com. This piece explains our...
Ken was one of our many subscribers last year who successfully landed their dream jobs in ophthalmology and he kindly agreed to impart some tips and advice to this year’s applicants. Did you have any...
Join the first in our series of mock interview workshops for the ophthalmology ST1 interviews in 2022. Many of our wonderful subscribers last year ended up with offers for their dream job, because...
(Estimated Read time: 5 minutes). Updated 06/Sep/2021 We have a new post for 2021 up here! If you want to know the future, look to the past Albert Einstein Health Education South West (i.e. Severn...
Following record attendances (over 20 aspiring eye doctors!) at our third mock interview networking workshop, we are hosting the 4th and final. Congratulations to everyone who has been with us since...
On the back of 2 successful mock interview workshops with our subscribers, we are hosting our third mock interview networking workshop on Saturday the 20/1/2020. Price: Free for question bank...
One of the most frequently asked questions candidates have this year is – will clinical knowledge be tested? We answer a few of how we think it will be tested this year in this video. Do...
We’ve summarised what we thought were some of the key points from the Eye To Eye Podcast hosted by The Royal College of Ophthalmologists. If you didn’t know, every year, one of the key...