Ophthalmology ST1 2022 interview – Bring it on!

We want to congratulate all our subscribers who have secured a space for the Ophthalmology ST1 2022 interview round! This is huge news.

We can all remember both the excitement and mild panic that came with it. Just a few weeks left on the timeline til the interview takes place in March. So how do you best use this time?

We believe that successful preparation is more than just about memorising lists of facts. For each of the interview stations, you want to think about the approach to the station, the knowledge needed to perform well, and then to actually practice that station. To support you as best we can in your practice, we have added additional Mock Interview sessions (available to book on https://lu.ma/ost). That means you can have three more rounds of practice before your interview!

If you have only used our online interview course for self-directed learning so far, or you are new to stinterview.com, and this is your first time joining one of our Mock Interview Workshops, here is what to expect: At each of our workshops we are providing two realistic interview scenarios that will be newly released specifically for this workshop. You will be paired with a fellow ST Interview subscriber and take the part of the interviewee for one station and the part of the examiner for the other. Together, you will be practising your approach to unseen interview questions, live and under timed conditions, simulating the real interview. 

Our events are informal and the aim is to learn from each other and learn from experience. This is the time to put your own interview frameworks and knowledge base to the test, get feedback on your presentation, and connect with your peers and future colleagues. All our mock interview workshops are hosted by top scoring ophthalmology trainees who are happy to answer any questions you may have.

Join us for the next OST Mock Interview Workshop on Saturday, 19 February 2022!

Time: 11.00AM – 12.30PM GMT

Price: Free for question bank subscribers

How do I secure a place? : Fill out our registration form at https://lu.ma/ost – first come first serve basis.

The interview networking workshop will be hosted on Zoom. 

We hope to see you there!

stinterview.com team