ct1 anaesthetics interview uk

Ace your 2024 anaesthetics interviews

We’re pleased to announce that the anaesthetics CT1 course is open for sign-ups for the 2024 summer interview round!

ACCS and core anaesthetics interviews are open, with the vacancies announced on ANRO : https://anro.wm.hee.nhs.uk/ct1

Based on feedback from our subscribers, we’ve made a number of our interview questions and content free so you can see how we’ve set up the course for you to be ready for your interviews – check out some free stations and strategy pages.

Check out what some of our previous successful 2023 subscribers have had to say about our course:

I don’t think I could have succeeded in the interview without this course and gotten my first choice job. Multiple sessions to consolidate the knowledge and a great range of Mock interviews in particular are what makes this course stand out from others. Fantastic support community formed through the course too. Highly recommend it.
– Subscriber, Successful 2023 applicant

The ideal set up, both in terms of structure and content, to preparing for interviews!
– Subscriber, Successful 2023 applicant

Incredibly organised and well run course which helped me improve my interview score by 15% and secure my dream job. Would recommend to any applicants, such good value for the amount of resources and practice with direct feedback that you get.
– Subscriber, Successful 2023 applicant

My interview score following this course (and an FY3) went from being unlistable to getting my first choice deanery. Terrific value for money.
– Subscriber, Successful 2023 applicant

Detailed and well structured course – only one on the market which allows you to practice over zoom regularly with other applicants and get feedback!
– Subscriber, Successful 2023 applicant

First time application – got my dream job!
– Subscriber, Successful 2023 applicant