How many jobs are there? How many people apply? What is the competition ratio?
This information exists on a UK-wide level, but we want to know what the stats are for the specific deaneries that I want to work in for the next 7 years !
Well there is a hero that walks among us that has gathered this data and answered these questions for us through a Freedom of Information request from HEE.
Look no further:

Keep in mind. The majority of your ranking is the interview! So if you want to work on your ranking, get that interview practice in.
We have 6 interview workshops coming up that are all free with a subscription (<£10 per interview) -> Sign up here
What does ‘Identifiable Data’ mean?
As per HEE: “We consider some of this information exempt under Section 40(2) of the FOIA as it relates to small numbers from which individuals could be identified.
HEE follows the ICO code of practice relating to the anonymisation of data, where the release of small numbers data (less than 5 in a geographical area) could lead to the identification of an individual. Where there are fewer than 5 training posts in a region, we have redacted the lowest rank offered as a post.”
What does ‘Local Recruitment’ mean (eg certain Northern Ireland posts)?
These posts are not part of national recruitment and are run separately, so the pool of applicants is separate and the ‘lowest ranking’ is separate from the other posts. This is denoted by a thick black border NB: NI were kind enough to send data from 2016 onwards, which can be seen in the ‘Northern Ireland’ tab separately to avoid massive empty tables elsewhere
Why is there no data prior to 2020?
HEE states they have destroyed their data prior to 2020 in line with their data protection policies.
Ref: link where you can pay homage to the great work by LishenDraws