Clinical Mock 1

We would strongly recommend that you time yourself with the below station. Based on the current published guidelines, we would suggest timing yourself for a total of 15 minutes.

These stations are best practiced with some practice partners. We would recommend all participants have this tab open for practice. Alternatively, the actor and examiner brief can be sent via WhatsApp or E-Mail to your practice partners to work through the station. 

Candidate Brief

You are the surgical SHO on-call. You are asked to review a 37y/o man in the emergency department (ED). This is his third presentation to ED in three days. He is a known alcoholic and IV-drug user, and presents to this department most weeks with various pains and aches demanding IV morphine. Today, he is rude to staff, complaining of severe abdominal pain and claims to be allergic to paracetamol and NSAIDs. He is demanding IV morphine. The ED registrar is extremely busy and has asked for a quick surgical review so that he can discharge this patient as soon as possible.

His observations are:
HR 125bpm
BP 142/90
SpO2 96% on room air
RR 28bpm
Temp 37.2C


Examiner and Patient Instructions

Examiner instructions:
This mock contains more questions than you will be able to go through in a 15-minute interview. This is reflective of the real interview where interviewers are given an option of a few questions they can ask the candidates in the 15-minute time frame. Questions in red are mandatory.

You should choose a range of questions over the course of the 15 minutes that will enable you to assess the candidate on the following four domains: decision-making, team-working, working under pressure, and reflective practice.

 It is your duty to keep track of time so that you are able to ask a reasonable spread of questions that allow the candidate the opportunity to score points in all four domains. Aim to spend about 3.5 minutes on each of the four assessed domains.

 You can only ask the questions verbatim, as they are written. You may repeat the question if the candidate seeks clarification. For the ABCDE assessments, you may confirm findings with the candidate (for example: yes, the airway is patent. Or ‘there are no added breath sounds to auscultation).

Mandatory question at start of interview:

  • “Have you read and do you understand the clinical vignette?”

Proceed to interview once candidate has confirmed this.

Atomic Number
Chemical Symbol
Element Name
Decision making Team working Working under pressure Reflectice practice