Introduction to the Scoring Matrix

You can’t score if you don’t know what your interviewers are assessing!

The Anaesthetics National Recruitment Office (ANRO) website publishes the interview scoring matrix. Despite the fact that there should be no mystery about what you are expected to demonstrate in the interview, many candidates find it difficult to distinguish a typical answer from an outstanding answer. This becomes clearer with practice and when you listen to how other candidates answer their questions. This article further fleshes out how to score well in each of the domains you are assessed in.

Firstly: Familiarise yourself with which domains are assessed in the Clinical Interview and which domains are assessed in the General Interview. 

The domains being assessed in your Clinical interview are:

  1. Clinical Judgement & Decision making
  2. Reflective practice
  3. Working under pressure

The domains being assessed in your General interview are:

  1. Professional Behaviour & Communication
  2. Team Working
  3. Commitment to specialty

The rest of this guide will to through each domain in turn.